Secret Weapon in Fighting Bad Breath

Studies confirm that cleaning the tongue will significantly retard initial plaque formation and reduce total plaque accumulation on the teeth.

Another secret weapon in the fight against bad breath is tongue cleaning using a tongue scrapper.

The back of the tongue is the prime breeding spot of anaerobic bacteria that creates odor-causing Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC's). Gently scraping the deep pockets of your tongue is a simple, yet incredibly effective way to dramatically reduce bad breath.

This is a great way to start your morning with. After brushing, you simply use this, and finally, you use a mouthwash of your choice. The difference is immediately obvious, and your mouth will feel so much better throughout the day. With just one use, you'll wonder how you ever started your day without it.

Grab one today! Available @ TheSmileShop Store

Related Links:

- Antibacterial Mouth Rinse

-Daily Tongue Care Kit

-BreathRx Purifying Toothpaste-Whitening Formula

" smile made easy"